Jason Nadal - Working and living in Portugal | Can’t Skip Facts

August 28, 2018 Visit Portugal Visit Portugal Murenaite - Unsplash Youtube
August 28, 2018
Visit Portugal
Visit Portugal
Murenaite - Unsplash

I’m from Seattle Washington in the United States and I get to work in the technology space. I work for Microsoft here in Portugal. My last job actually I had a global job so it sent me all over the world. I was based in Seattle but I lived or worked, I should say, all throughout different countries. We wanted lifestyle that allowed us as family together to do things together and then set off into Portugal as well as Europe to explore. And so being based in Portugal and in Lisbon it really allows us to have access to the rest of Europe but more importantly we found access to so much rich culture inside Portugal. From a work perspective one of the reasons why I chose Portugal to come and work was I really felt as though there is this massive groundswell of creativity that was happening and this entrepreneurialism that was helping Portugal get back on an economic strong foot. You know I think that in Portugal what I found is it is incredibly personal relationship oriented and I find that extremely attractive as a business as somebody works inside of technology but if I was in here to start something there’s just a massive amount of talent to be able to support that creative that creative energy that’s here and that to me it’s really exciting.

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