Real estate investment triggers 56% and reaches 1.9 billion in the first half year

August 31, 2018 Jornal de Negócios Ana Batalha Oliveira Ricardo Resende - Unsplash
August 31, 2018
Jornal de Negócios
Ana Batalha Oliveira
Ricardo Resende - Unsplash

This article is an abbreviated version of the original. To read the full article, click here.


The first six months of 2018 were filled with transactions in the real estate market: there were 30 operations that dictated an investment volume of 1.9 billion euros, a jump of 56% over the same period of 2017, notes Cushman in balance of the semester.

The residential sector has experienced the most significant growth, but the commercial real estate sectors are also showing very positive developments.

The retail and office sectors went hand in hand last year, but by 2018 this balance was broken and retail became the leader, backed by commercial real estate, which captured 65% of the capital.

Another well-established trend in Cushman's balance sheet is the predominance of foreign capital, which accounts for 98% of total investments. More than a third of the purchases originate in France, followed closely by Spain and finally United Kingdom.

"The current state of the market, as well as the good behavior of the economy, point to a continuation of this positive evolution of the real estate sector," concludes Cushman & Wakefield. Real estate indicates an investment volume of 3 to 3.5 billion in this market by the end of the year.

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