Bruno Wohlschlegel - Working and living in Portugal | Can’t Skip Facts

August 24, 2018 Visit Portugal Visit Portugal Clifford - Unsplash Youtube
August 24, 2018
Visit Portugal
Visit Portugal
Clifford - Unsplash

My name is Bruno Wohlschlegel. I’m from Germany from area called Black Forest and I’m a general manager for a German science technology company here in Portugal called Mac. Well, we moved here in September 2014, I can honestly say that the whole family fell in love with the country of the first day already. The first thing that struck me was people, people are friendly they have a welcoming attitude and it was very easy to get started in Portugal with the work and what I really liked as a professional is the work ethic here in Portugal. So I found a great team very motivated and a lot of good business people to do business with and overall if you add this to the landscape and the weather and the food it’s a unique mixture. People work very hard they are motivated but what feels different is the very collegial and warm atmosphere while being at work and this is something that differs in Portugal from Germany and some of the other countries I worked in for a while. Portugal itself integrates itself very well into Europe even though being located at the western end of Europe it feels like being in the middle of Europe and this is a great asset. We decided to stay in Portugal and make this our home.

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