Portugal champion in the Oscars of Tourism

July 11, 2018 Expresso Expresso Lucian Andrei - Uunsplash
July 11, 2018
Lucian Andrei - Uunsplash

This article is an abbreviated version of the original. To read the full article go here.

Portugal returned for the second consecutive year to be chosen as the best European tourist destination in the World Travel Awards, considered as the 'oscar' of world tourism, while Lisbon was voted the Best Destination City in Europe. At the Gala Europa, held in Athens and in which Portugal won 36 prizes, the country revalidated the title won in 2017, imposing itself on the remaining nominees: Austria, England, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey.

Present at the ceremony tonight, the Secretary of State for Tourism, Ana Mendes Godinho, considered that "receiving the 'Oscar' for Best European Destination for the second consecutive year is something that fills with pride and proves that Portugal remains at the top of tourists preferences international ". "These results show that our strategy is clearly bearing fruit and that the world looks to Portugal as an example, and also motivate us to continue the work of qualifying supply and destinations, extending tourism throughout the territory and along of the whole year, making it increasingly sustainable, "added the official, quoted in a statement.

The long list of 'Oscars' for Portugal also includes the Best European City Destination for Lisbon, which for the third consecutive year was awarded Best Cruise Port. In the competition of cities, Lisbon was ahead of the votes of Amsterdam, Barcelona, London, Paris, Rome and Venice, an unprecedented feat already highlighted by the general director of the Tourism Association of Lisbon, Vítor Costa.

"The conquest of Europe's Best Destination City is historic for Lisbon, as we have received numerous awards, but this has not yet been achieved. The fact that we are establishing the quality levels that other cities should aspire to, makes us very proud of the work that has been done over the years, "he added, quoted in a statement. In 2017, the Portuguese capital received a total of 521 thousand cruise passengers, according to Turismo de Lisboa, who added that "the expectation is that this number may increase this year, especially that of passengers who start or end the cruise in the Portuguese capital ". At the end of last year, Lisbon had been honored in 'Oscars' as the Best World Destination for City Break. (…)

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