Revenues per room in the Lisbon region reach the highest value in the last 10 years

July 09, 2018 Expresso Ana Batista Nicole Reyes - Unsplash
July 09, 2018
Ana Batista
Nicole Reyes - Unsplash

This article is an abbreviated version of the original. To read the full article go here.

Lisbon Metropolitan Area (AML) closed 2017 with a value of revenues per available room (the metric the industry calls revocation) of 72.6 euros, the highest value in the last 10 years according to an analysis by Deloitte, which Expresso had access to.

According to these data, which analyze the evolution of the sector in this period and follow the presentation of the latest edition of the Atlas of Hospitality, AML's revpar has jumped 52% and registered an annual growth rate of 4.3 % and exceeded the national average by about 18 euros.

In addition, looking at the year-on-year change alone, the revpar of 72.6 euros represents a 21% increase - or 13.41 euros more - compared to 2016, which makes it the biggest rise of last year among all regions from the country. (...)

 "Revpar is a hotel metric that helps to perceive the performance of a tourist enterprise and a region and is dependent on two variables: revenue generated by the sale of accommodation units and occupancy rate. Given the growth we are experiencing in the sector in Portugal and taking into account our perception of the market, we can say that there has been a rise in prices as a result of the law of supply and demand. This means that if demand is excessive in relation to supply, hoteliers are forced to increase prices to adjust this situation and get more revenue," says Deloitte partner Jorge Marrão in statements to Expresso.

But according to this official, this increase in revenues per room available throughout the country, not only in 2017, but in recent years, after the crisis, is also explained by the increase in occupancy rates. (...)

But again, in 2017, the highlight goes even to Lisbon. "It was the region that contributed the most to the total number of guests in Portugal, representing 30%", writes Deloitte. And "broke the record of six million guests and 14 million overnight stays (1.7 times more than in 2007)," the document said.

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