Lisbon on top of working preferences

February 28, 2019 Expresso Fátima Ferrão Dinheiro Vivo
February 28, 2019
Fátima Ferrão
Dinheiro Vivo

Lisbon is fashionable and not just for tourism. Also, national and international companies seem to prefer capital to set up their offices and centralize their operations.

The consultant Informa DB concluded by analyzing the data from the 1000 largest SMEs. The bills are simple to do. Of this group of companies, 442 are headquartered or have offices in the region of Lisbon, and employ 366 thousand people. In addition, the consultant concludes that this group of organizations is responsible for 66% of the total turnover of the business fabric installed in the district, adding revenues in the order of 98 billion euros.

This article is an abbreviated version of the original. To read the full article, click here.

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