Great avenues of Lisbon escape the limit of the 25% in the local accommodation

December 22, 2018 Expresso Nuno Botelho Círculo da Inovação
December 22, 2018
Nuno Botelho
Círculo da Inovação

There are neighborhoods and neighborhoods and the future limit of 25% for the opening of new housing units in historic neighborhoods in Lisbon will not be applied indiscriminately and homogeneously. According to the "Jornal de Negócios”, the zone of the great avenues - which includes the Baixa and the avenues of Liberdade, Fontes Pereira de Melo, the Republic or Almirante Reis-, traditionally very vocation for services and commerce, may have a higher percentage.

This revelation was made by Manuel Salgado, councilman of Urbanism and Urban Rehabilitation, in statements to the morning. "We have considered that the axes of the city where historically hotels and pensions have been located and which had many offices, in which the weight of the housing is small, should be outside this limit. In these areas of tertiary characteristics, the relationship [between local accommodation and permanent housing] already may be higher", he said.

The municipal official spoke, for example, of the Rossio case. "Ten years ago, in Rossio, four people lived. Same thing in Downtown. Today, we see the exit of offices of the Baixa and the transformation in tourism, so it is not at the expense of the stock of housing", he said.

According to "Negócios", the Lisbon Chamber already has a very advanced draft regulation and intends to put it into the discussion with industry associations.

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