World Travel Awards shine in Lisbon and celebrate destination

December 21, 2018 Publituris Raquel Relvas Neto Noticias ao Minuto
December 21, 2018
Raquel Relvas Neto
Noticias ao Minuto

In the year in which the Grand Final Gala of the 25th edition of the World Travel Awards is staged in the Portuguese capital, Portugal has renewed the prize for Best Destination in the World. A prize received by Secretary of State for Tourism, Ana Mendes Godinho. Lisbon also received two of the most ambitious awards in the area of Tourism: Best Destination City and Best Destination City Break worldwide.

The Tourism of Portugal was considered, for the second consecutive time, the Best Official Tourism Organization of the World and the portal repeated the 2017 event and were once again the "World's Leading Tourism Authority Website.

TAP was elected as the World's Leading Airline for Africa and the World's Leading Airline for South America, and its Travel Magazine, the UP, won the World Leading Travel Magazine award.

The Passadiços do Paiva was distinguished as Best Adventure Attraction in the World, while the Sintra - Monte da Lua Parks was awarded the Best Conservation Company Award in the World.

In Hotel Management, Corinthia Hotel Lisbon received the award for Best City Hotel in the World; the Olissippo Lapa Palace won the Best Classic Hotel in the World; The Vine Hotel in Funchal was honored as Best Design Hotel in the World; the Vila Joya Hotel Restaurant received the distinction of Best Hotel Restaurant in the World; the prize of World's Best Luxury Resort went to the Conrad Algarve; Amazing Evolution received the distinction of Best operator of Boutique Hotels in the World.

The awards ceremony took place this Saturday night, December 1st, at the Pátio da Galé, in Terreiro do Paço, and this was the first time the Oscars of Tourism were held in Portuguese lands.

The World Travel Awards awarded a total of 17 prizes to Portugal, a historic result that compares with seven prizes last year and four in 2016. For the Secretary of State for Tourism, Ana Mendes Godinho, "it is a great pride to receive this distinction again. Being the world champions in Tourism for the second consecutive year is a sign of Portugal's ability to affirm internationally, thanks to the work of all the Portuguese. Portugal is indeed a must-see destination. This is, above all, a prize for the Portuguese. "

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