Lisbon - the European Green Capital 2020

July 12, 2018 SicNotícias SicNotícias Notícias ao Minuto
July 12, 2018
Notícias ao Minuto

This article is an abbreviated version of the original. To read the full article go here.

Remembering that Lisbon won the European Green Capital 2020 in June, the mayor of Lisbon said at the vehicle delivery ceremony that year "Lisbon every day will show examples of how to innovate in matters of environmental sustainability."

The first example is the delivery of these ten electric trucks to the parish boards of Arroios, Avenidas Novas, Belém, Estrela, Misericórdia, Parque das Nações, Penha de França, Santa Maria Maior, Santo António and São Vicente.

The partnership between the municipality and the Japanese company Mitsubishi had a financing of 415 thousand euros and the director of the Department of Repair and Mechanical Maintenance of the Lisbon Chamber, Filipa Penedo, explained that these are the first vehicles of the kind in the world and they will be at a stage to experiment for two years.

During the ceremony, the Mayor of Lisbon said that the use of these vehicles will allow to move forward with the capital's "sustainability agenda", along with "increasing the efficiency" of urban hygiene services.

The mayor also said that the process of car exchange is gradual and will take into account the useful life of current vehicles, because "not replaced only by replacing", but that the intention in the future is to have a municipal fleet only composed of hybrid or electric vehicles.

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