Sesimbra's will host the European sailing championship

July 06, 2018 Diário da Região André Rosa Câmara Municipal de Sesimbra
July 06, 2018
Diário da Região
André Rosa
Câmara Municipal de Sesimbra

Sesimbra is preparing to host, for the first time, a European championship of sailing juniors. In the European Championship of Juniors Class 420 and 470 will participate 400 sailors, between the ages of 16 and 24 years, and near 200 boats representing 15 European countries and five of other continents. The Naval Club of Sesimbra, which organizes the event with the support of the local authority, will be represented with four boats and eight athletes.

The official opening of the championship will feature a parade of participating countries, on the edge of the fishing village, from the Hotel do Mar to the Fortress of Santiago, and is scheduled for 4th July at 8:00 p.m. The tests will be held at Praia do Ouro, which during the competition - from 3 to 11 July - will have an area reserved to accommodate the boats, according to municipal information.

The closing ceremony and awards ceremony will take place at the Fortaleza de Santiago, on July 11st, also at 8:00 p.m. The event, which for the municipality "constitutes a further recognition of the excellent conditions of the bay of Sesimbra for the conduct of sea trials," is organized by Clube Naval de Sesimbra in partnership with the Portuguese Sailing Federation and International Association of Class 420 and Class 470 and has the support of the Municipality of Sesimbra.

In 2017 this championship took place in Fraglia Vela Riva, in Italy, being therefore the first time to be held in Sesimbra, in the district of Setúbal. The Clube Naval de Sesimbra, created on September 4th, 1930, is one of the main non-profit associations of the typical fishing village and a symbol of its tradition and connection to the sea. Throughout the year it is possible to attend sailing and canoeing classes at the club. In the summer there are activities for sports holidays.

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