It's official: Lisbon is the city chosen to host the next Michelin gala

July 03, 2018 NIT Ana Gordo Restaurante Belcanto, chef José Avillez, Lisboa.Foto- Paulo Barata 2016
July 03, 2018
Ana Gordo
Restaurante Belcanto, chef José Avillez, Lisboa.Foto- Paulo Barata 2016

This article is an abbreviated version of the original. To read the full article go here.

After much speculation regarding the city chosen to host the 10th Michelin star delivery gala, finally comes the official announcement. Lisbon is, for the first time, the hostess chosen to receive the ceremony scheduled for November 21. The event takes place at the Carlos Lopes Pavilion, right in the center of the capital.

It is also known that there are seven national chefs, all with restaurants already awarded with stars in previous years that will present their creations during the event. José Avillez, responsible for Belcanto, already with two stars, will be the coordinator of the presentation. (…)

"Portugal and Lisbon, in fact, have evolved a lot in recent years at the gastronomic level. Today we can proudly say that we are gastronomic tourism par excellence," José Avillez told the newspaper "Expresso". "The city has gained momentum while at the same time a deep crisis is taking place in the country, in Europe and in the world."

In 2018 the 10th anniversary of the public presentation of the Michelin Guide will be celebrated and the restaurants that will be part of the Spain and Portugal Guide for 2019 will be presented. The last edition took place in Abama on the Spanish island of Tenerife. In that year, Portugal received two more Michelin stars. Currently, we have 23 starred restaurants and 28 stars in all.

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