Lisbon among finalists cities the European capital of innovation

September 10, 2018 Expresso Maria João Bourbon Lisbonne Idee - MAAT
September 10, 2018
Maria João Bourbon
Lisbonne Idee - MAAT

The city that most engages citizens in the governance and decision-making process, which uses innovation more to improve its resilience and sustainability, and which best fosters a dynamic and open research ecosystem, will become the European Capital of Innovation.

This Wednesday, European commissioner Carlos Moedas announced the finalists of this year's edition, in which the city of Lisbon appears.

In addition to this, Aarhus (in Denmark), Antwerp (Belgium), Athens (Greece), Bristol (England), Gothenburg (Sweden), Hamburg (Germany), Leuven (Belgium), Madrid (Spain), Toulouse , Umeå (Sweden) and Vienna (Austria).

The winner will be announced on November 6th at the Web Summit in Lisbon by the European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation and will be able to join cities that, like Paris, Amsterdam and Barcelona, have already been recognized with this title and awarded the of 1 million euros. Will also be distinguished, with 100 thousand euros, the five cities finalists.

ICapital - European Capital of Innovation is an annual prize awarded to the European city that demonstrates the greatest ability to use innovation to improve citizens' lives through solutions already completed or under way that have been implemented in the year prior to the opening of the competition or in the year itself.

This prize may apply for cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants from a Member State of the European Union (EU) or an associated country under Horizon 2020, the EU research and innovation program.

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