Lisbon beats Paris, Madrid, London and New York in quality of life

March 20, 2018 SILVA, Maria Ramos IR Group
March 20, 2018
SILVA, Maria Ramos
IR Group

Mercer consulting’s ranking places the Portuguese capital in the 38th  position, going up five places compared to the previous year. Viena leads.

If Europe is the best continente to live, Lisbon isn’t doing so bad in the fight between capitals. According to the Study on Quality of Life 2018 from Mercer consulting, which analysed 231 cities in the whole world, the Portuguese capital comes in 38th. Not only did it go up five places compared to the previous study but surpassed cities like Paris, London, Milan, Madrid and New York.

Regarding the big winners, Viena, places in first in the ranking and takes the cup. Better yet, takes its 9th cup, since it’s been leading the ranking for 9 editions now. Concerning the rest, eight of the top 10 cities are European. After the Austrian capital comes Zurich (2nd place), and Auckland and Munich, both in 3rd place. Vancouver completes the cities’ top five, presenting itself as the best positioned North-American city in the ranking. Singapure (25th place) and Montevideu (77th place) are the best classified cities in Asia and Latin America, respectively.

On the other hand the worst place to live in in the world is Bagdade. It should be noted that Mercer bases its avaluation on a series of criteria about life conditions, that include the social and political environment of a country, its education levels, public services and transportation, the economic scenery or natural conditions.

This year the consulting firm also provides an isolated ranking on the sanitation conditions of cities. Regarding the analysis of infrastuctures related to the removal of waste and suwage, levels of infectious diseases, air polution, and water supply and quality, Lisbon ranks in 59th and the winner is Honolulu, Hawai.

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