Lagos with budget of 58 ME in 2019

November 23, 2018 Diário de Notícias Diário de Notícias CM Lagos
November 23, 2018
Diário de Notícias
Diário de Notícias
CM Lagos

The document, approved by a majority, provides for, among other actions, the rehabilitation of the Meia Praia Road and the construction of the School of Light, projects that "were in the drawer during the years of the crisis," reads the statement sent by the Chamber of Lagos, in the district of Faro.

"Not neglecting investment in Education, Culture, Sports and Social Action and other areas of municipal competence, Lagos municipality places housing as a major priority for 2019 and following years," he says.

The renewal of infrastructures, particularly water pipes and sanitation collectors, which are over 40 years old, is another area in which municipal funds will be applied in 2019, the statement added.

The search for solutions to increase the housing supply, the renovation and expansion of the school, the continuity of the process of creation of the Municipal Police and the second phase of the valuation of Ponta da Piedade are other actions planned.

The Lagos Council also plans to reclassify the Church of São Sebastião, the House of the Guard in the Forest of Barão de São João and create the Rural Museum, as well as complete the renovation and enlargement of the Municipal Museum.

"In parallel, strategies will be adopted to promote environmentally responsible economic development, such as the provision of chargers for electric cars," he adds.

Included in the Great Options of the Plan for 2019 is the preparation of a program to mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of writer Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen, whose celebrations will take place in Lisbon, Porto and Lagos.

After it has already been approved by a majority in the House, the document now follows for the appreciation of the Municipal Assembly.

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